entrepreneurs The Founding Team This article is part of a series about going from “I’d like to start a business” to having a small start-up running, and beyond. If you haven’t read the previous articles,
Citizen Participation Creativity: born or made? We live in a hyper connected world, constantly bombarded with all kind of information, amazed by technology advances and knowledge increasingly decentralized. Don’t you think it is hard to believe that some
Argentina From Idea to Startup in 7 Posts: Presentation With this post I’m opening a new space in this blog that I will call Bringing the “B” (as in “Business”) back to “SABF”. This first series will be all about going
application BASES| BT National Entrepreneurship Bootcamp In this opportunity, we invite all American students to participate in an unique experience to develop your own entrepreneurial spirit. BASES| BT National Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is an event organized by Business Association of
application Campus For Finance - New Year's Conference 2011 Have you ever met a Nobel Laureate, a professor from Harvard and several CEOs and CFOs on the same day? This is your chance to be a participant of one of the leading
facebook Letter from a South African participant about SABF 2010 Today, we are pleased to publish a note sent via Facebook by South African participant Tascha Terblanche some days after the forum. We wanted to preserve its original emotive touch so we have