analysis Causality in times of Excel: the relationship between Emission and Inflation Each Excel spreadsheet is designed to process 17 billion data (17 thousand columns x 1 million rows). And, with the possibility of adding one thousand sheets, each Excel document is capable of processing
economic theory Inflation, problem solved The discussions and palaver that revolve around inflation abound and redound. Many debates that long ago were overcome reappear as if they were novel or problematic (… it is unclear if inflation is so
economy Against Poverty, More Bills I usually chat with a friend of mine who studies psychology about how there can be so many people suffering from hunger around the world. Obviously both of us find it difficult to
economy A little bit of inflation, a lot of growth. I usually remember with my friends a short time ago when we used to have lunch for just five pesos. Today we find this idea funny -that money is only enough for a