Workshops round.

SABF 2011 workshops round began in the afternoon. At them, the speakers were Alex Backer (founder and CEO of QLess), Alvaro Teijeiro (founder and CEO of FnBox), David de Ugarte (co-founder of corporate society of Indian electronic), end Goulding (President Sabre Argentina), Juan Carlos Fernández (Vice President of IMPSA) and Pilar Ferro (Director of CARE).

In the case of Alex Backer, he explained the steps required to begin a start-up according to his experience. Among them: identifying a problem, finding its solution, patenting it, putting a team together and telling all those that may be interested in this.

Fin Goulding, the vice-president of Sabre Holdings Argentina, also focused on the management of his company, dedicated to the travel and tourism industry, as if it was a start-up. He justifies his choice by the following statement: “In exponential times, the future comes faster than you think and change is inevitable”.

Pilar Ferro, on the other hand, showed that new technologies tend to improve quality of life for people with disabilities. In particular, through customized computing devices, they allow technology to be accessible to all people, regardless of their mental, physical or sensory abilities. It seeks to facilitate learning, increase communication, reduce the sense of personal and academic failure, and encourage job integration.

Juan Carlos Fernandez also emphasized the fact that, faced with a situation of opening up to other countries, the company should consider the integration of national human resources. This allows them to get to know the culture in which the company is inserted, as well as trade and work practices that each country has, in order to help improving the development of the society involved.

David de Ugarte based his workshop on the relationship between communication and globalization, and how both concepts have influence on aspects of the economy and society. He remarked that we live in a world with distributed networks, where it is not necessary the presence of intermediaries. Finally, he pointed out that globalization is an opportunity to generate new business, since nowadays the capital can be replaced with knowledge and good ideas.

And last but not least, Alvaro Teijeiro told us about huge business opportunities under a constant change of internet. In this overfall of change, Alvaro emphasized the importance of few metric empirical, those that best implemented our challenges instead of extensive theoretical plans to base our decisions. Finally, he pointed out the advantages of open source and the multiplier factor that modify the value when a small idea when it is executed.