Successful change processes

16.00 – Main topic of the following dissertations: “Successful change processes

Félix Peña – Specialist in International Economic Relations and Economic Integration. Director of the Institute of Trade of the Standard Bank Foundation-introduces kindly the participants of these dissertation-block and gave interesting questions to rise the interest about what would come now. “ How to change a model of a country?”

Philomena Murnaghan – Ambassador to Ireland in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay

This women was for me a perfect representation for Ireland, she inspired with her way she held her speech. She made clear right away that case of Ireland, and the success of the countries improvement, politically and economically, cannot be taken as a role model, since “there is not a size that fits all”.

Philomena Murnaghan gave us a short review of Ireland`s history, political and economical changes which occurred, difficulties that came along the way, past and new obstacles (e.g. oil crises, unemployment, migration). She described with a structured, very animating speech the recent situation of Irelands. Furthermore she explains the social synergy, which occurred through the change in Ireland, explained through listing the single steps, how much time it took until Ireland reach the point, where it is now, and does not leave out that the Irish luck surely contributed to the process.

Some factors which brought significant change to Ireland:

  • Foreign direct investment – Government policy attracted foreign investment in order to learn from the foreign expertise, supported by government
  • Investment in Education and skills since 1967: Educational system- offering free secondary education for all and offering it for free developed a young educated motivated work force, ready to conquer the world.
  • Entrance in the European union in 1973
  • Policies for stable public finances and new tax reforms

As in the speech about South Africa, she concludes that “Necessity is the mother of invention”. Ireland’s situation was unsustainable and needed action. After a long term process Ireland lives now a mission of “Lifelong learning” and with this can face the new obstacles the country has to face and improve.

Her speech was very positive, inspiring and showed again, that countries, which seem to have it so simple these days, as well had to reach this point and work hard for it.

Andrés Freire – Co-Founder, Chairman y CEO, Axialent Inc.

He practically described his whole working life. The essence and message which can be drawn out of it: An entrepreneurial life experiences many failures and few successes, but for those view it is worthy to be an entrepreneur. We have to work on building our own faith, and we should have fun during the process! Most important: **Don’t give up! **