SABF 2009: The application period has finished

We are glad to tell you that we exceeded the 1500 registered students in the SABF 2009, out of which more than 500 completed their application sending the requested essay.

We would like to thank all the people that have spreaded and promoted the SABF, including the delegates, assistants and Universities. Moreover, we would like to congratulate all the applicants that have contributed with their essay, willing to generate a change in South America through their opinions based on values, beliefs and innovating ideas.

This year we have received essays from more than 60 countries from the 5 continents!!! The students from all over the world interacting with the leaders are the ones who make this forum a unique experience. During the first weeks of June 2009 all the applicants will receive via e-mail the results of the selection done by the jury.

Do not forget that even if you have not applied, you can join the debate through our blog.

Go to and find out who are going to speak in this 5th edition of the South American Business Forum.

Keep in touch with all the SABF news!