Obsolete paradigms… ¿or paradigmatic obsolescence?

On the eve of the sixth edition of South American Business Forum, I propose you to exercise your memory, and remember part of what was brought up in the last edition.

A year ago, the main idea was “New Paradigms, New Challenges”. Among the debates that took place, the difference between old paradigms and the new ones was a fundamental concern. Are we really in front of “new paradigms”, or are we just simply readjusting the old ones to keep ourselves in the logic of the long ago ideologies?

In Argentina, it is politically incorrect to mention what it is actually an open secret: governmental institutions are based on the history before our still wet behind the ears democracy. The Machiavellian principle of “Divide and rule” has Latinamerican history as hostage.

Nonetheless, the ideological separation becomes blurrier and blurrier. For example, in Argentinean politics, it is getting harder and harder to differenciate between Peronism and Radicalism. Is it then that Peronism like institution is dead, because Radicalism is also dead? Is it that oppositions generated by differences in basic principles are at the end of their era? Which is their difference now? Objectives? Is there any sense in using ideological labels nowadays? If there is, which are the real paradigms of this new decade?