SABF Around the World

In this occasion we would like to introduce our group of delegates. They are SABF representatives throughout the five continents that works along with us, to manage to spread the event around the world. They are an essential component in the organization since they are the ones who transmit the spirit and concept of the Forum reaching personally where we cannot. We would like to thank all our delegates for the excellent work they have done during these months which made it possible to achieve such great results this year!

We have more than 60 delegates from 21 different countries. Just Awesome! If you would like to know who is the delegate in your country or university, please visit the Delegates section of our website.

Here you can see some pictures of them in their countries! This reflects their hard work, effort and commitment!

Agustín Taberner is a SABF delegate at the Universidad Nacional de La Matanza in Argentina. On his trip to Rosario he took a photo in the National Monument to the flag.

She is Mary Laura Delgado Montes, our delegate at the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín in Perú. In this pic, she is in her city: Arequipa. Amazing sight!

This pic was taken by William Castaño, delegate at Universidad EAFIT in Colombia. This is the second aerial tramway that was inaugurated in Medellin showing an uncommon perspective of the city.

Gonzalo Basso is a SABF Delegate at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He’s in the Alcalá Gate in Madrid!

We hope you have enjoyed the pics and got to know the world a bit more through them!