Registration period for 2008 SABF has started

The registration period for the fourth edition of the SABF has started, that is why we invite all students to participate in this unique experience in South America.

The event will take place on ** August 8th, 9th and 10th in Buenos Aires, Argentina**, and is aimed at all undergraduate students, having completed their secondary education, or students who graduated in 2007 or 2008. The topic of the 2008 SABF, “Empowering Agents of Change”, pretends to analyze the existing change agents in the world and particularly those which have become blurred in South America, with the objective of finding out the causes of their lack of involvement and finding solutions to achieve their goals.

During the three-day conference, students will be able to interact with peers from around the world, as well as with prominent leaders of the academic, business and political spheres, debating about several current issues related to our region. It is, furthermore, a unique experience in which the cultural exchange that is generated adds to the personal and professional development of the participants.

To apply, students must enter the “Apply” section of our website. There, they must complete their personal information and load a text of their authorship about one of the three topics that emerge from the central theme: “Institutions as the foundations for a favorable environment”, “Entrepreneurial Cultures: their impact on emerging regions” and “The intelligent use of resources as a means of development”.

The applications are due on May 11th, after that date, an independent jury will select the 100 best presentations to attend the event. If you have any doubt, please get in touch with us at: