International Collaboration Day

Today, Tuesday 16th of January, we celebrate in more than 40 cities and 4 continents the International Collaboration Day, created to highlight the coworking spaces.

Recent decades have brought continued growth in areas associated with collective action. Just 20 years ago, collaboration was in a secondary scene, however, nowadays it has made it’s way into all strata of our society, move to the center of the global scene and transform the strategic priorities of all organizations.

The co-working is a mainstay in the shared economy: besides saving resources and money by sharing office, it boosts the interaction and exchange of ideas and skills. One of the main organizers of this date, Philip Dodson, from WorkHubs in London said:

“We are all much more successful when we stick to the core things that we are good at and partner with others to do the stuff that we are not good at. The International Collaboration Day is about encouraging co-working spaces globally to embrace the whole concept of their space being the canvas where people mesh together and create greater opportunities through collaborating together.”

This is the first year we celebrate the “International Collaboration Day” and is just this feeling of unity that inspired us for the 10th edition SABF central topic: “The Age of Collaboration”. Is a topic that because of the time we live, is getting more a more relevant and is difficult to ignore. We do not consider this a trend but the root of the global order based in the shared economy.