Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan 2009

Win the grand prize with an outstanding, innovative essay.
Join 80 distinguished students from all around the world.
Share your views on current issues of the global village.

Global Initiatives Symposium (GIS) is founded by a group of ambitious college students in Taiwan. It will take place on July 6-12 in Taipei, Taiwan. The purpose of this symposium aims at establishing a platform that connects talented students from different nations and that deals with critical issues via extensive dialogues with experts from different fields. The main topic of this symposium is “Challenges and Opportunities: The Global Economy in the Transition Phase.” During the 7-day symposium, there will be several programs, such as pre-conference activities, keynote speeches, model conference, workshops, and essay exhibition.

GIS not only enhances multi-cultural exchanges but helps realization of workable proposals brought up by participants. We truly believe that even young students as we are, we can still turn our creative and pragmatic ideas into feasible actions, and in turn, make changes to the dire situation we are facing globally.

All necessary expenses in Taiwan are covered. Additionally, grants are offered to international students according to the location of their university. The best essay winner can even win 900 US dollars. All you have to do is to submit a short essay by March 15th, which contains one of the three subtopics we are going to discuss in the conference.

We sincerely invite you to join this symposium. Come to take a look at the peaks and troughs of the Asian-Pacific economy in depth, embrace the fantastic multi-cultural society, interact with leading authorities in various fields, brainstorm with other ambitious students of different academic backgrounds and, most importantly, turn your opinions and enthusiasm into actions!

Register today at the officially website , join our Facebook Group “GIS Taiwan” to receive the up-to-date information. If you have further questions, please contact us at