Engineering for Export

9.55 – Manuel Aguirre, Director General de América Latina, CH2M Hill starts introducing company, explaining the reason for the name, and their commitment for engineering, Quality and Safety, a major thing for the company.

It is between the 5 biggest contructing companies.

They divide their work in three main areas:

  • Energy
  • Facilities and Infrastructure
  • Government

He mentions that, and whay really impress is that all the employees own the shares and no one has more than 1% of the shares.

Program management projects

  • 2012 Olympic Games in London
  • Expansion of the Panama Canal
  • Energy Company at Abu Dabi

Then he continues explaining the importance for engineering, because we manage projects, and he starts introducing the why the idea of exporting engineering

Then, he continues adding the importance of knowing other fields:

  • Communication
  • Intenarntinal codes
  • Tools
  • Culture
  • Experience
  • Trust
  • professinal staff

They’ve got three offices outside the US that develop exporting engineering: New Dehli, Karlow, and Buenos Aires.

He opens the talk for questions

  1. How that share model really works? Only the employees can have shares, and if they leave, they have to sell it. He also explained in more detail how they work with different level of employees.
  2. He talk about Mechanical Engineers, Chemical, Electrical, etc. What about the Industrial? He says they work really good because they have a complete view of the operation, from the design to the delivery
  3. What about IT engineers? He was surprised when talking yesterday with people of Motorola and the US ambassador, when this guys said that they can develop the same here than in India. In their case, they can compete in Quality, but not in cost.
  4. Software they use: PDS, it is a powerfull application to manage a lot of variables for a plant.
  5. What about the regulations and legislation in all the world?
  6. How do they work to recrute and HR? His assistant explained how they work with universities, and the online world. She said that with young people the work is quite straight forward, but with senior professionals is a difficult task.