SABF 2013 has started!

South American Business Forum started the activities corresponding to its ninth edition this  morning. Co-directors Luciana Reznik and Celeste Molina remarked SABF’s team work in this edition of the conference. They recognized people’s effort of travelling from different parts of the world in order to attend the meeting. Luciana and Celeste congratulated selected participants, choosed among hundreds of students from all around the world because of their innovating ideas, creativity and leadership potential. Also they gave thanks to dissertants, Board of Trustees, ITBA and all who colaborated with the project, and a special recognition to the SABF’s team organization 2013. Luciana Reznik encourages all participants to create friendship and relationships, to do silly questions until obtain their answers and to be open to the idea’s cultural diversity. She recommends to give space to new ideas, because everyone here demonstrated to have a lot for share and teach.

Then Luciana Reznik presented** ITBA’s Dean Ph.D. Germán Guido Lavalle**, who was in charge of the institutional opening. Germán said that for him it is a pleasure to be here in this 9th edition of the SABF, specially because this initiative remains in time and this is a quality to recognize: it demonstrates year after year that people knew how to innovate to achieve an updated conference. The Dean highlighted that the purpose of this edition is to transmit the central theme: “Rethinking the rules of the game”. At the end of these three days, participants will know how they can take action in order to lead change. He presented the case of educational institutions, where it exists rankings formed by different rules that man has to accomplish in order to be part of the establishment.  Germán talked about local rules related to a university model that it’s already planned: we need to try to be near this model in order to obtain the success that we wish. It’s interesting that Germán mentioned the need to understand barriers between things in order to innovate, to adapt to them in time and things that we have to maintain in time, like our values. Finally Germán called youth generation in the auditory to keep ambitious goals.