SABF 2012 has started!

The 8th edition of the South American Business Forum started this morning. The SABF directors, Paula Montaldi and Lucas Diaz, started the conference by congratulating the participants because of the quality of their applications. The directors highlighted that the purpose of this edition is to transmit the central theme: “Global Objective, Collaborative Actions”. At the end of these three days, participants will know how they can take action in order to lead change.

In addition, the directors thanked the board of trustees, sponsors, juries, ITBA and ex-organizers for helping to make this edition a reality. Finally, they addressed once again, the participants: “This opportunity is up to you, we hope that this will be an unique experience”.

After the directors, Molina Pico, ITBA´s Dean, remarked that the SABF team has been working in this forum since the 7th edition, last year. Furthermore, he stated that “The organizers have been working very hard and have done it well. This SABF strives to answer the defying questions that the future is giving us.”

Nowadays, the challenges are the changing problems with growing velocities. “The necessary elements are ready, you need to raise the guidelines to achieve a positive change”. His intention was to transmit the participants that they have the responsibility to take part in the solutions of all the actual and the future problems of the world.

Later, Guibert Englebienne, CTO at Globant made a summary of the story of his multinational company and how he managed to create it in a country where weren’t companies that big before.

He also mentioned that “there is a change from an industrial economy into a knowledge economy”. Nowadays, companies use old structures, with people that have to control and supervise other people. There is competition between a “Peer to Peer Vs Hierarchical” culture and he also remarked that now companies should use dynamic and flexible structures.

Companies with the old model don´t understand the motivations of the new generation. This new generation loves feedback, but the companies take, at least, one year to give this feedback. How can we be competitive in a difficult environment, with a 19th century structure without understanding the new generation of employees?.

Finally, he shared his thoughts about the motivations of the employees. Globant developed a motivational model based on the Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. The managed to use a methodology focused on objectives, creating challenges to encourage the pursuit of excellence and aligning employee goals with those of the company. They created an environment in order to make the most of today’s generations.